How To Become an In-Demand Copywriter Who Doubles Their Revenue Without Increasing Their Workload

How To Become an In-Demand Copywriter Who Doubles Their Revenue Without Increasing Their Workload


Here's what copywriters are doing DIFFERENTLY to get high ticket clients in 2025...

Most copywriting courses just teach you the skill of copywriting. 

That's not this course. The Profitable Copywriter's Code is meant to give you the straight facts on how to build a PROFITABLE business, including how to:

  • Get crystal clear on who you write for and what you write (aka niche)
  • Structure your offer in a way that clients can't help but say yes to
  • Price your offer so it's a no-brainer
  • Book clients willing to pay 5+ figures
  • Keep clients happy

...and so much more!

Over the years, so many other copywriters have asked me, how do you command $10,000, $15,000, and even $25,000 for a project?!?

Inside The Profitable Copywriter's Code, I break it all down for you, in what has previously only ever been available to my 1:1 private clients.

“Such an interesting thing you have. You’re the business of copywriting person. You have something they [copywriters] really need.”

~ David Deutsch

I never thought I’d cry in a grocery store…

…and definitely not holding a can of whipped cream. 

I felt like a crazy woman, embarrassed that people were staring at me. 

But before I tell you that story…

I want to talk to you about what it takes to succeed as a copywriter and how it changed my life (& how it just might change your life too)

If you feel like the only clients you seem to attract don’t value your skills much more than they value the person making their morning latte at Starbucks... 

If you’ve taken every copywriting course under the sun but you still have no idea how to use your incredible skills to charge MORE and grow your OWN business…

Or if you just feel flat-out stuck…

You're in the right place.

How I Went From Mother of 4, Crying in the Grocery Store to Abundant Copy Queen and Retiring My Husband in Less than 2 Years

“Babe, are you finally making any money yet?” my husband muttered, trying his best to hide his disappointment and fear, and be supportive of my entrepreneurial efforts.

My face burned like I’d been slapped. I gritted my teeth, refusing to let any emotion show, much less let tears escape.

Was I making any money? Yes…some. I'd make $500 here, or $1000 there if I was lucky, but...

I kept spending MORE than I was making, always looking for that “thing” that was making others millions online and would finally make my business take off.

I kept investing in different courses and coaching programs…to the tune of $224,788.26 (Yes, I added it up, and yes, I nearly had a heart attack when I realized how much I'd spent. Please don’t tell my husband😉).

I felt like I was walking around with 224,000 pounds of guilt.

Most of the time I spent money faster than I made it…you know the feast or famine entrepreneur roller coaster thing?

Yeah, I was riding that on repeat like I had a season pass.


The real problem, though?

I was WAY undercharging for what I was doing.

The first funnel project I booked, I sold for $450.

This included a lead generation funnel for a 5-day challenge, the daily emails, the masterclass emails, the sales page for the course, and all the launch emails to sell the course.

Now, I sell that same funnel for $25k.


How, you ask?

Well, it definitely didn't happen overnight.

It started with getting my clients all kinds of crazy good results.

The more results I had, and the better they were, the more my confidence in my skills grew...

And the more it got me thinking about how my writing was making my clients rich while I was still just barely scraping by, if you want to call it that.

So I started to raise my prices little by little.


Then I had a coach who challenged me to double my rates to $5k.

I wanted to pee my pants, but I did it anyway.

And it sold! Again, and again, and again.

So he told me to double my rates again.

At first I thought no one would pay $10k for a sales page...

But I was wrong.

I sold a launch package for $16k that included a sales page and an email sequence.

That client made $22k within the first 18 hours the sales page was live.


This was a real turning point for me: I realized just how FAST my clients were getting ROI from my work.

That particular client sold that program again and again and has made who knows how many hundreds of thousands of dollars since then.

So it got me thinking...

I should raise my rates again.

So I did.


And that's when I started selling packages for $20k, $25k, even $28k.

You might be wondering what shifted...

I mean, $450 to $25k is a crazy difference.

And certainly my skills didn't improve that much in the last few years, although, arguably, I have become a better writer.

The thing is, it wasn't so much about my skills. It was how I shifted my mindset... And how I viewed the value of the copy I was writing.

I think this is where a lot of copywriters get hung up.

Because it's not just about posting a price on your website or saying a price on a sales call.

Potential clients can see right through you if you don't believe in the price you're quoting.

And not only that...

When you're dealing with 5 figure investments, it's also about how you position the project.

I'll never forget the client who was comparing my $25k offer with a $17k proposal and she asked why she should choose me when I was significantly more money.

My answer brought her to tears. And she said yes.

You'll find out why inside The Profitable Copywriter's Code. 👇

Become an In-Demand Copywriter Inside The Profitable Copywriter's Code


Here's a sneak peek of what's inside:

  • The Copywriting Biz Blueprint
  • Dream Client Identifier
  • The Irresistible Offer Formula
  • Perfect Pricing Formula
  • Client Proposal YES Formula
  • Copywriting Clients Anytime Blueprint
  • The Consistent Cash Cure


Let's have fun & build a WILDLY PROFITABLE copywriting business you love.🎉

Normally this costs: $197

Today it's just: $97

👇 That's a savings of 51%!!! 👇

Here's What Other Copywriters Are Saying...

Lorna test
Cindy test

Who is this PERFECT for? 


  • People who are still in a 9-5 doing copywriting as a side hustle
  • You're making money as a copywriter, but it's more feast or famine rather than consistent income each month and you're wondering if you should go back to a job
  • You're making $5-10k consistently but you're ready to scale up
  • You're practically typing your fingers to the bone and you want to start getting back some of your time by charging more and having less clients (and less copy to write)
  • You just think it would be freaking cool to book a $25k client

Who is this NOT for? 


  • Someone with ZERO copywriting skills or experience
  • Copywriters who aren't game to try new things
  • Copywriters who think mindset, personal development, and spiritual things have nothing to do with business*

*Former pastor here, so if a mention of God here or there will offend you, better pass on this one.

Become an In-Demand Copywriter Inside The Profitable Copywriter's Code


Here's a sneak peek of what's inside:

  • The Copywriting Biz Blueprint
  • Dream Client Identifier
  • The Irresistible Offer Formula
  • Perfect Pricing Formula
  • Client Proposal YES Formula
  • Copywriting Clients Anytime Blueprint
  • The Consistent Cash Cure


Let's have fun & build a WILDLY PROFITABLE copywriting business you love.🎉

Normally this costs: $197

Today it's just: $97

👇 That's a savings of 51%!!! 👇

Here's What Other Copywriters Are Saying...

Jenny test
Stacy test

You're Standing At a Crossroads...


To the left, is the rocky, uphill road you’ve been traveling. 

To the right is the road less people will choose. 

This road isn’t harder, it’s just different

And choosing the right road makes all the difference in the world to booking clients who value your skills and pay you what they're worth.

I’m hoping you’ll choose the right road and become a wildly profitable copywriter. 

To Your Success,


It's Time to Become an In-Demand Copywriter:

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